
  • 202012.20Sun

    International Workshop “Rivers, Trades, and Famines in Modern Asia”

Date December 20, 2020
Venue Online

Chair: Sayako Kanda (Keio University)

14:00-14:10 Tomoko Shiroyama “About the Project”
14:10-14:55 Atsushi Kobayashi
(Kyoto University)
“Sarawak’s Socio-economic Transformation: Riverine and Seaborne Trading Linkage, 1840-1940”
14:55-15:00 Break
15:00-15:45 Toshiyuki Miyata
(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
“Rice Crisis and Rice Control in Thailand from 1917 to 1921”
15:45-16:30 Seemanta Bhagabati (the University of Tokyo) and Michihiro Ogawa (Kanazawa University) “Reconsidering the Great Famine of Western India (1876-1878) from Meteorological and Hydrological Perspectives”
16:30-16:40 Break
16:10-17:50 Dr Khondker Iftekhar Iqbal (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Special Lecture: “Inter-Asia Networks and Nodal Points: A View from the Tibetan-Himalayan River Systems”
17:50-18:30 Professor Kohei Wakimura (Osaka University of Economics and Law) Comments & Discussion


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