
This project comprises of two research units, historical database unit for historians and spatial analysis unit for hydrologists and meteorologists.

小林 篤史 / Atsushi Kobayashi

Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Assistant Professor

小林 篤史 / Atsushi Kobayashi

Research interests in this project

In south Asia team, Kobayashi explores the dynamics of economic activities in relation to the international economy by examining trade and price datum with reference to the meteorology and the geography. In southeast Asia team, focusing on Sarawak province of Malaysia, Kobayashi analyzes the regional economic development from the 19th to the 20th century in terms of the hydrosphere.

Field of research

Aug. 2016: ‘Price Fluctuations and Growth Patterns in Singapore’s Trade, 1831-1913’, Australian Economic History Review, Vol. 57 (1), pp. 108-129.

Dec. 2013: ‘The Role of Singapore in the Growth of Intra-Southeast Asian Trade, c.1820s-1852’, Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 2 (3), pp. 443-474.


Ph.D. (Regional studies, 2014) from Kyoto University. Post-doc fellow of Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences/ Research fellow at National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies from 2014-2016. Visiting research fellow of London School of Economics and Political Science, 2015-2016. Before coming to Kyoto University, Kobayashi was lecturer at Department of Economics, Osaka Sangyo University.

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