Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S):
The Hydrosphere and Socioeconomics in Modern Asia - Exploring a New Regional History Using a Database and Spatial Analysis
This project comprises of two research units, historical database unit for historians and spatial analysis unit for hydrologists and meteorologists.
Keio University, Department of Economics, Professor
Kanda examines the relationship between seasonal cycles of monsoon and the economic activities including agriculture, shipping, commercial transactions, and trade.
Kanda’s research is on Asian economic history focusing on south Asia. She has conducted the multi-dimensional analyses of salt trade during the East India Company era to analyze to socio-economic transformation of eastern part of India. The major findings was published as Shio to indo: shijō, shōnin, higashi indo kaisha (Salt and India: Market, merchants, and East India Company), Nagoya daigaku shuppankai 2017 which was awarded 60 nikkei economics book award.
B.A. from Keio University. Ph.D. (History, 2005) from SOAS. After teaching ad department of economics at Osaka University, Kanda has been teaching as professor at department of economics, Keio University since 2013.