Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S):
The Hydrosphere and Socioeconomics in Modern Asia - Exploring a New Regional History Using a Database and Spatial Analysis
This project comprises of two research units, historical database unit for historians and spatial analysis unit for hydrologists and meteorologists.
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Professor
Miyata’s research interests lay in the economic history of Thailand. In this project, he explores causalities and/or co-relations among the indicators of the natural factors (climate, rainfall, and flow rate of rivers), the agricultural factors (production and export of rice), and economic and financial factors (registration and transaction of title deeds, mortgage, and land tax) by forming and analyzing their data-bases.
“Tai kome Keizai to tochiho: 1901 nen tochio seitei to sono eikyō” (Rice economy of Thailand and land law: Enactment of 1901 land law and its impacts) in Shigeru Akita ed. Daibunki wo koete: Ajia kara mita 19 seiki ron saikō Minerva shobō, 2018, pp. 219-245.
“Amerika gasshūkoku no keizai enjo to tai: Ine hinshu kairyō puroguramu kara mjita enjo to jiritsu” (The U.S. economic assistance and Thai: Assistance and independence in the case of “improvement program for rice plant” in Shoichi Watanabe ed. Reisen henyō ki no kokusai kaihatsu enjo to ajia: 1960 nendai wo tou, Minerva shobō, 2017, pp. 242-269.
B.A. and M.A. from Waseda University. Miyata also studied at Thammasat University as exchange student and at Chulalongkorn University as research student. Prior to the current position, Miyata taught at Tenri University as lecturer and assistant professor.