Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S):
The Hydrosphere and Socioeconomics in Modern Asia - Exploring a New Regional History Using a Database and Spatial Analysis
This project comprises of two research units, historical database unit for historians and spatial analysis unit for hydrologists and meteorologists.
Toyo University, Department of Economics, Professor
Shimanishi is coordinating the researches and the discussions among the unites and the teams to keep the integrity of this group project. He also overseeing collections of source materials, datum, and analytical tools to apply special analysis to historical studies.
Shimanishi is a scholar of Japanese economic and business history. He is studying the history of energy industries in Asia, particularly coal mining in Japan, as well as exploring the new analytical methods including visualization of historical materials. Shimanishi published Nihon sekitan sangyō no sengo shi: shijō kōzō henka to kigyō kōdō (Post-war history of Japanese coal mining industry: Transformation of market structure and business performances) Keio daigaku shippankai, 2011.
B.A. (2000) and Ph.D. (Commerce, 2008) from Keio University. After teaching at Rikkyo University and Kagawa University, Shimanishi has possessed his current position at Toyo University since 2017.