科学研究費基盤研究(S):近代アジアにおける水圏と社会経済 ― データベースと空間解析による新しい地域史の探求
International Workshop “Rain, Rivers, and Rice in Modern Asia”
日 時 | 2021年1月23日(土) |
形 式 | オンライン開催 |
9:00-9:10 | Tomoko Shiroyama | “About the Project” |
9:10-10:00 | Session1 “Meteorology meets History” | |
Jun Matsumoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University) | “Part I: Data rescue of climate data before the WWII in the Asian monsoon region”
“Part II. Rainfall, floods and rice production over the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin after the 1950s” |
Hiroshi Takahashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) | “Reproducibility of a century-long atmospheric re-analysis data in the tropics” | |
10:00-10:10 | Break | |
10:10-11:10 | Session 2 “Rice Economies in Monsoon Asia: Cases from Vietnam” | |
Masahiro Ikeda (Okayama Shoka University) | “A Preliminary Survey on Topography and Provincial Rice Production in Early 20th Century Southern Vietnam” | |
Rui Takahashi (Tokai University) | “Structural Change of the Rice Market in Vietnam: Focusing on Export and Internal Trade in the 1920s” | |
11:10-11:20 | Break | |
11:20-12:00 | David Biggs (University of California, Riverside) Mark Henderson (Mills College) | Comments followed by Discussion |